I came late to the party for Victoria McCombs, and reading the second book of her series, Woods of Silver and Light. However, the interesting part was that although it is a series, each book can work as a standalone and doesn't require you to read the previous ones in order to get caught up in the story. (Although, if you are like me and loved the story as much as I did, you will go back regardless!)
I was not sure what to expect when I first started this book. I was intrigued to find out how one could retell a fable we all know by heart having grown up with them. Although the Disney version of Robin Hood and of course the Kevin Costner version will always be dearest to my hearts, you never quite think what would happen if Robin Hood was ever to take thieving from the nobles a step to far....
Honestly, I was impressed and not expecting what I received. Although Lady Anika is quite the brave one, I did struggle at times. I found myself rooting for Christopher to be more of a bad guy, and Ronin to have more wits about him than he does most of the time. However, once I accepted that this would not be like the story I grew up loving, it was easier to accept the storyline provided. So, definitely keep your mind open as you read it. It makes for a more enjoyable read.
The magicians are truly my favorite, and wished they had more of a presence than they did. I loved the concept of the evil sorceress, and could easily envision her with the description provided. There's so much about the drawl of the forest, but I wish there had been more background of how they came to be. The description of it makes you want to know so much more so you can decide if you can live there and survive! I also wish that if Lady Anika's magic held more promise than playing the violin amazingly. But these are more personal preferences, then the author's ability to get me caught up in the story. In fact, it was her descriptions and telling of the tale that made me keep being able to see the scene unfold before me so easily. But don't we all end up putting some personal desires into each book we read? LOL!
So, here's the honest truth. It's a great read! It's something you can easily pick up and get caught up in without feeling left out for not starting at the beginning. The descriptions in this book make you see everything so clearly in your head! (An attribute I love!!) The love triangle wraps up beautifully in the end, and everyone is given a proper ending. The ending encourages you to pick up the next one for sure!
This is a solid 4.8/5 stars for me personally. Although I desired a bit more explanation in parts, it wasn't enough to make me not enjoy it. Thank you Victoria! You are on my radar! And I look forward to seeing what all you provide us in the future! You dare us to step outside of our acceptance of stories that have already been told, and shine them in a new fascinating light! Keep it up!
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